Any person who appreciates his time and money, before making any meaningful purchase for himself, finds out its cost in different places. In case of buying, say, a new car or the latest model of phone, making a choice is simple — knowing what particular model you want to buy, you just need to go to a search engine, compare prices on different sites, and choose the best option for yourself in terms of price. Making the right choice is not difficult when comparing the cost of the same product with the same features. However, when confronted with a sphere of services it is much more difficult to choose, because a cost of a particular service, whether it is cleaning in an apartment or building a house, is formed of several components, to understand which is sometimes not easy even for professionals in the field.

Any person who appreciates his time and money, before making any meaningful purchase for himself, finds out its cost in different places. In case of buying, say, a new car or the latest model of phone, making a choice is simple — knowing what particular model you want to buy, you just need to go to a search engine, compare prices on different sites, and choose the best option for yourself in terms of price. Making the right choice is not difficult when comparing the cost of the same product with the same features. We do not know how price is formed neither for cleaning apartments, nor for house construction, but we know very well how the prices are formed. There is absolutely no secret about it, so we are happy to share this knowledge to make it easier for you to choose.
The cost of paint protection film consists out of the main components:
The cost of labour and quality;
Indirect expenses;
Company profit.
Let's consider each of these components in detail and see how it can influence the final price of the film protection of your vehicle.

There is a certain price for which the installers purchase film from the supplier. Depending on car size, for wrapping the front part of the body (muzzle) you will need from 5 to 7 meters of film, but for the entire body, you will need 14 to 19 meters of clear PPF film. For example, to wrap the front end of the Mini Cooper car it is necessary to spend about 5 meters of film, while the front end of a BMW 7 Series needs at least 7 meters of film, no matter what kind, vinyl or polyurethane.
For ceramic coating application in addition to film itself you need more time and consumables. These are degreasing and washing compositions for preparation of the car for wrapping, microfiber for polishing, special glue for fixing film under seams (primer), knives, blades, etc. The cost of consumables, of course, is a small part of cost, but nevertheless, this is still worth considering.
The cost of labour
The paint protection film cost also based on the PPF installers skills, experience, professionalism, and speed. Beginners or inexperienced installers charge little for their work. As a rule, most of them are slow and cannot provide the perfect alignment of the film and final finish.
True professionals are luthiers, sincerely loving their job and having already put a film on more than 1000 cars. They understand their value, and as a consequence - demand in the labor market (especially polyurethane), so they take for their work as much as possible. And why not, because they know that as long as the paint protection film market is alive, they'll never be out of a job. As headhunters would say, there is a constant hunt for them on the job market, even though these guys are quite expensive. Yes, it's not cheap, but trust me, it's every wrap studio's dream to get a wrap job. Professionals usually work twice as fast as beginners in the paragraph above. Where a beginner and slow ppf installer will work for 12 hours on one panel, a professional can do it in 5-6 hours. And business owners know better than anyone that time = money. After all, agree, it's better to wrap two customers in XPEL Ultimate Plus in the same amount of time than one.
In addition, professionals do not add headache to the owners, but on the contrary, get rid of it. After all, who else but them will wrap a car so cool that in a year or five years, the client will have no reason to return under warranty to the place where it was armored. Can you imagine what will happen if a premium car comes back under warranty because its polyurethane started creeping due to non-observance of laminating technology by a crooked laminator? Re-layer of such clients will cost the studio many times more than money once saved by a professional installer! So a professional ppf installer will save everyone's time and money by doing the quality work since the beginning.
Indirect costs
Indirect cost of paint protection film is going to include the cost that goes to the rental shop for wrapping, staff salaries, advertising costs, taxes, etc.
The company's profits
Margin, i.e. the profit that the owner of the business lays down. Someone takes this figure out of his head, someone puts a certain percentage in the price tag. There are those who look at the prices of competitors, estimate their costs for paint protection film, work, and rent, and calculate how much will remain if you put price as competitors. If calculations come out more or less normal profit, then these prices are taken as a basis and then work on them. It is likely that there are also owners of companies that form the final price for the PPF installation work, only they know the principles.